What Happens when Virus Enters our Body
Do you know, What Happens When Virus Enters Our Body ? Our body is not only just a body, rather it's a magic of nature. It's almost like a Military Zone where Guards, Soldiers, Intelligence Team, Backup Team, Weapon Factory, Communicators etc. are present to protect us. Collectively these are known as Immune System. Whenever external agents like Bacteria, Viruses or Fungi enters our body then our Immune System starts kicking them out with full power.A mosquito generally bites us with its sting and sends chemicals to our body through it and sucks blood from our body. However we are unaware of this fact that till the time we won't see the red bump at infection spot. It starts itching and feels odd. But that bump is a important signal which indicates that, you are under protection by Immune System. If you don't see the bump, it indicates that your Immune System is NOT functioning properly.
Immune System protects us from Infection, Illness and disease. It has its soldiers which communicate among themselves and protects our body. If the immune system wasn't present inside our body then a small scratch from blade would be enough to kill us. Bacteria and viruses are always finding chance to enter your body but our immune system keeps protecting from these agents.
Leucocyctes are the Security Guards of our body which keeps moving throughout our blood stream. 1 MicroLitre of the blood contains more than 11000 soldires of Leucocytes. They travel throughout your body and keeps on finding for any suspicious activity just like a Security Guard. If the Leucocytes finds any external agent which has entered our body by some activity then Leucocytes orders Communicator Cells to inform about the activity at Head-Office.
After that within a minute the Immune System activates which in technical term is known as Immune Response. Many foreign external agents enters our body and after getting all the deatils about the agent like, its capability, the Head-Office prepares it's army to fight against that agent. So, the soldiers of our body are grouped and ranks accordingly. According to the seriousness of the threat, a group is selected and sent to fight against that agent whether it be Bacteria, Virus or Fungi. The soldiers kills away the enemy at the infected site. Let's now see what happens when any type of virus enters our body.
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If you are at a grocery store and someone sneezes behind you then your body gets infected with that virus. It lands up upon our lungs and tries to enter our cell to inject it's DNA structure.
Let me clear a point if you dont know. All living beings are made up of cells, whether it be a single celled bacteria or worlds largest organism i.e. Blue Whale. Cell is the building block of our body and it has more than hundred crores of cells. So basically our body is made up from cell only. According to researches, there are some 37.2 trillion cells present in our body. Every cell has a complicated system inside it which you cant even imagine.
Each cell is covered by cell membrane which contains all types of security measures to protect the constituents of a cell. Throught the Cell Membrane many things can either come in or may go out. It allows water to enter and Carbondi oxide to leave but prevents dust from enetering. It consist of a proper automated system and there are many receptors present on the body of Cell Membrane which helps to absorb nutrients. The main thing to notice is that, Cell Membrane has many restrictions for particles to come in and go out.
However, the virus which has come inside is little smarter. It tries to enter Cell by tricking them like, it tries to enter cell by hiding or by changing its appearance or by hiding itself with nutrients like water. But once they enter inside the cell, they get to know that some external agents have come inside them. At that point of time many enzymes are released which starts chopping( Chop..chop...chop..) the virus into small pieces. Then it warns it's nearby cells that a virus attack has been made be active.
One has entered here means that many other must be coming. Then the nearby cells become active and turn on their action mode and starts producing Virus Bound Antibodies.
Virus Bound Antibodies is something which can be used to kill viruses. This anitibodies making process starts in nucleus of the cell. Every cell has a nucleus and it consist of DNA(Deoxy ribonucleic Acid). DNA is just like a book which keeps complete information. With the help of these informations the cells function daily. In general DNA is guide book for the cell. The DNA even contains information that whenever a virus attack is being made then how cells can produce virus bound antibodies.
Then an enzyme after taking the information from DNA about how to produce Virus Bound Antibodies, it prints the data which is known as Messenger RNA. Then an enzyme carry these data to factory present inside the cell known as ribosome. Cell contains hundred crores of ribosome factories. After getting the deatils how to make Virus Bound Anitibodies the ribosome starts producing it. After that those antibodies leaves ribosome and goes to Golgi Apparatus for a final touch and then leaves for the battle field.
So from where does these cells gain so much power to process these activities ? Well it's Mitochondria also known as power house of the cell.
Those antibodies moves towards the virus chops( chop..chop...chop..) them and they are killed.
If you have weak Immune System, then due to only a virus you will start getting weak which ultimately leads to death. If you have a healthy Immune System then no Bacteria and Virus can even harm you a penny.
You might have heard that, to boost Immune System eat this that. But here I will give you some scientifically proven tips to boost up your immune system.
• Eat green vegetables and fruits.
• Avoid smoking.
• Keep your body healthy.
• Adequate sleep.
• Take less stress.
• At last non other than taking sunlight which energises T Cells.
I hope you all have liked this article on What Happens When Virus Enters our Body ? Now you have basic knowledge about virus attack on your body. I hope now must be aware of the fact that how important the Immune System is for your body. Your yourself should implement healthy measures to keep your immune system strong.
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